Olen harrastanut jo vanhassa blogissani eräänlaista tuomiopäivän pasuunan soittoa ja pelotellut ihmisiä erilaisilla tulevaisuuden uhkilla. Sattumoisin huomasin taas tänään että Yhdysvaltojen mahdollisten tulevien luonnonkatastrofien TOP10 on listattu täällä.
- Total Destruction of Earth
- Gulf Coast Tsunami
- East Coast Tsunami
- Heat Waves
- Midwest Earthquake
- Supervolcano
- Los Angeles Tsunami
- Asteroid Impact
- New York Hurricane
- Pacific Northwest Megathrust Earthquake
Current Earth-destruction Status
- Number of times the Earth has been destroyed: 0
- Number of plans currently in progress with the final aim of bringing about the Earth's destruction: 0
- Number of scientific experiments currently underway with the potential to bring about the Earth's destruction: 0
- Minimum amount of time until the Earth is destroyed by natural means (discounting total existence failure): 25 years
- Minimum amount of time until the Earth is destroyed by artificial means: 50 years