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Alien DNA Update
via Karl's Weird News by Administrator on Mar 25, 2007

Russian geneticists to reveal alien’s DNA mystery

"The story began in the summer of 1996 after a miniature creature was found in the Chelyabinsk region. The find was soon dubbed the “Kyshtym alien.” A local medical examiner who performed an autopsy concluded that the dead body was neither human nor animal in nature.

Ufologists regarded the Kyshtym dwarf as a clear-cut case of the extraterrestrial. The clergy believe the dwarf was a demon. The creature was still alive when it was found by an old and barely literate woman. She was the only one who gave the dwarf a human name – Alioshenka (a diminutive of the Russian name “Alexei” – ed. note)."

"Scientists may soon unravel the mystery of the “Uralian alien,” a tiny creature found near the town of Kyshtym in the Urals. Scientists carried out five series of laboratory studies investigating the DNA samples of the creature’s biological material.
Että Uralilta on sitten löydetty pikkuinen ET tai kuu-ukko, jonka DNA:ta venäläiset tiedemiehet tutkivat. Tulokset ovat sensaatiomaisia, mitään vastaavaa ei löydy vertailutietokannasta mikä on olisi kotoisin maapallolta. Tämähän on ehdoton totuus, koska sen julkaisee Pravda.

Our time is almost up!
via Karl's Weird News by Administrator on Mar 25, 2007

Bad news - we are way past our ‘extinct by’ date

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice, wrote Robert Frost. But whatever is to be our fate, it is now overdue.

After analysing the eradication of millions of ancient species, scientists have found that a mass extinction is due any moment now.

Their research has shown that every 62 million years - plus or minus 3m years - creatures are wiped from the planet’s surface in massive numbers.

And given that the last great extinction occurred 65m years ago, when dinosaurs and thousands of other creatures abruptly disappeared, the study suggests humanity faces a fairly pressing danger. Even worse, scientists have no idea about its source."
Tutkimus on osoittanut että aina n. 62 miljoonan vuoden päästä -plus miinus 3 miljoonaa- oliot häviävät sukupuuttoon maapallolta massiivisin määrin. Ja koskapa edellisestä massatuhosta on kulunut 65 miljoonaa vuotta, silloin dinosaurukset ja tuhannet muut lajit äkillisesti hävisivät maan pinnalta, niin ihmiskunnalla on edessään tässä ihan kohtapuoleen melkoinen vaaranpaikka. Tiedemiehet eivät vielä osaa kertoa miten tämä uhka on realisoitumassa.