

Jim Morrison ja ilmastonmuutos

"Global Cool officially launched its 10-year journey to defeat global warming this morning at London’s British Museum. As part of Global Cool’s official launch in London today, founder Dan Morrell announced that the campaign would be sound-tracked by none other than former Doors frontman, Jim Morrison.

According to Morrell, the late singer recorded an acapella vocal of a previously unheard song shortly before his untimely death in Paris in 1971.

Having lain undiscovered for some 35 years, the recording mysteriously ended up in the hands of former Jane’s Addiction frontman, Lollapalooza founder and lifelong environmentalist, Perry Farrell.

Perry’s latest band Satellite Party have re-worked the song entitled, Woman in the Window, and will be linking up by satellite from Los Angeles this evening as part of the Global Cool launch at 6pm (GMT) to air the first ever playback of the song.

Contrary to earlier reports, owing to unforeseen technical difficulties we will not be streaming an extract of the eagerly awaited track on the website this evening. We will however, be exclusively previewing the track as soon as the gremlins have been sorted.

Watch this space for more information."

Teknisiä ongelmia on tullut esiin, mutta kohta tullaan kuulemaan edesmenneen Doors keulakuvan eli Jim Morrisonin ääni taltioituna pikkaisen ennen hänen kuolemaansa 1971 - nyt tullaan esille ennenjulkaisemattomalla runonlaululla ilmastonmuutoksesta. Kunhan riiviöt, muistattehan, saadaan järjestykseen.
