

Pimeää ainetta 3D:nä

First 3D map of the Universe’s dark matter scaffolding
VIA ESA (European Space Agency) 7 January 2007
"By analysing the COSMOS survey – the largest ever survey undertaken with Hubble – an international team of scientists has assembled a 3D-map that offers a first look at the web-like large-scale distribution of dark matter in the Universe. This historic achievement, one of the most important results in cosmology, accurately confirms standard theories of structure formation."
Kosmologian tärkeimpiä virstanpylväitä, historiallinen saavutus jne. Tutkijaryhmä on tehnyt 3D-kartan joka luo ensisilmäyksen pimeän aineen sijoittumisesta Universumiimme. Aineisto kerättiin Hubblesta.