Facebookin kielivaihtoehtona on nyt myös pirate eli merirosmokieli.
Be it that ye arrr aboard, ye can stab at ye Litany of Misdeeds, but ye heaties must climb aboard to send for ye..
Yer E-Bottle:sähköpostisi
Current Port:Jyväskylä, Finland
Pillagin' Territories:kotisivut
Me hearties: kontaktit
Esimerkkejä piraattikielisestä lifestreamista
- Halo has set sail with the crew of Petition to Swap Sarah Palin for Michael Palin.
- Halo has set sail with the crew of Porkkanamafia Jyväskylä.
- Halo scrawled upon portrait concieved by the 'mighty Kissamau Mau.