P.S. Päivän linkkivinkit:
- 14.5. Teemalauantai: Gonzo! | YLE Teema http://bit.ly/iySaZT Aiheena gonzojournalismin legendan Hunter S. Thompsonin elämä (dokkari)
- #Timelapse - the difference between summer and winter in #Finland - http://bit.ly/jHrrLf See what it really means to have a summer in Finland
- 10 esimerkkiä, joiden avulla voidaan erottaa normaaliin vanhenemiseen ja Alzheimeriin liittyvät oireet - http://bit.ly/lqmDDP #Alzheimer
- So cool! Nikola Tesla's prophecy of modern communication. Tesla made that prediction in 1929 but he first started talking about small devices in 1909! http://tinyurl.com/26xjpp3 This may be a well known fact, but I was reminded today in Twitter
- U.S. pastor caught stealing Navy SEAL stories http://bit.ly/jBKItE <-the 1. time some1 stole their life story from a Demi Moore movie. Ever.